Saturday, August 15, 2015

Podcast interview! Also, tons of writing completed.

I was flattered and honored to be invited as a guest on to talk about True Detective season 2 (with many references to season 1, because you can't completely separate the two). Here's the link to the podcast and write-up.

Jasun Horsley is a gracious and skilled interviewer. We covered a mind-blowing amount of territory as we discussed the many ideas presented in season 2. His approach is from a perspective that's pretty different from mine, but we had many observations in common, and we teased out some really interesting things as we compared notes.

The short version is that we are both fans of season 2 without being brain donor cheerleaders.


I've written 41 pages since my post here of 7 July.

Today's project: Complete the slide set for the presentation at NecronomiCon Providence, which is going to be on Friday, August 21, as listed here. My talk begins at 10:30. 

One of my drinking buddies is presenting during the 9-10:15 session:

"Lovecraft and Folkloric Methodology," Ken Van Wey, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia

Ken is both a gentleman and an expert on Edgar Allan Poe, and I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts on Lovecraft.

Onwards and upwards, as always. I'll see about uploading the slide set here when I get it done.